
We are finally getting into some Spring weather here but I am way behind on my posts, so I’m sorry if the cold weather stuff drags on a bit!  I actually made this Pumpkin Cream Cheese Loaf all the way back in October – yikes!  Put it uses canned pumpkin, so you can make it whenever that is available.  I found this recipe through Pinterest which advertized only 500 calories for a WHOLE LOAF!(!!!)  Oh-em-gee!  Can it be true?  Delicious and healthy?  The unicorn of pumpkin loafs?!  EDIT – Well, no in short – it is not.  It actually has more than 1000 calories per loaf and it doesn’t taste that great.  But I will leave it on here in case someone has a use for it.  EDIT


Okay, I wouldn’t really call it healthy.  It’s low calorie and low fat due to the use of low-fat cream cheese, egg whites vs whole eggs, and applesauce vs oil.  And it uses half fake sugar and half real sugar, but I’d still call that a sugary snack.


As for deliciousness?  I’d call it okay.  You can definitely taste the fake sugar and it isn’t as dense and luxurious as the real thing, but it’s a pretty good substitute.  So all-in-all I’m going to call this decent but not amazeballs. (more…)