Category: Uncategorized

Well Dined

Welcome to the new home of my blog! My old site (Adventures of a DC Foodie) should redirect to this one – so if that is how you found your way here, don’t worry you are in the right place! I am still getting used to this new format and playing around with the layout, so please bear with me as I make changes to the site. Explore, enjoy, and remember: “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf


As a food blogger I must, of course, write about my Thanksgiving meal. Last year Jasper and I hosted both or our parents and siblings at our house in NoVa. This year, we were able to travel out to Bend, OR to spend the holiday with his family. (more…)


I just created a Tumblr page for the blog – I’m not quite sure what it’s purpose will serve yet, but I will figure something out.


It’s been a year since I started this blog, so I thought I should do a little update. In case people are wondering – why do all your posts have weird numbers in parenthesis? Is that a grading system? The numbers are the rank the restaurant was given in the Washingtonian Magazine’s Top 100 Best Restaurant List (1/100, 50/100, etc..). Since the list comes out each year, I have started adding the year to the rating number (3/100, 2011). If the restaurant has no rating next to it, it’s because it wasn’t on the list! I hope that clears that up.

I’ve started adding some recipes to the blog in addition to restaurant reviews, since I do a lot of cooking. I hope that people find this useful and that it opens up the blog to people who do not live in the DC area. I will try to post recipes and tips from the technique classes that I teach at Williams Sonoma as well. Something I really want to incorporate to the recipe posts are pictures of the food, but whenever I try to take them, they don’t turn out the way I want. Maybe I should take a food photography class, so that I can post beautiful pictures like my favorite blog:

See that link above here ^ ? See how you can click on it and it works? My hubby taught me how to do that and I am very grateful. I have gone back and fixed all my links, and I apologize for any frustration that lack of working links may have caused in the past.

That is all for now – I am off to make a fantastic (I hope) romantic dinner for two. Perhaps I shall tell you about it later 😀

Back Again

You may have noticed a gap in the postings and a change from my referring to Jasper as my fiance to my husband. That’s right, we got married! And then went on a gorgeous honeymoon to Italy (I mean, we love food – hello!). I am now working at Williams-Sonoma and cooking a lot. I could start posting recipes and tips here, would that be something that you would be interested in? Whoever you are out there? We’ll see. For now, it’s good to be back.